Our Typical Clients see a 700% ROI. 


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Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improve Your Search Engine Rankings.

Our proven SEO delivers you better rankings, more traffic, and more customers. Get more qualified traffic on the search terms that matter most to your business. We maximize your visibility online by working on every variable that impacts SERPs. Set your business up for long-term success.

trusted seo agency

Skyrocket Your Google Rankings With Our SEO Services.

Your website is a powerful marketing and sales tool—only if customers can find you online. Using our experience and technical know-how, our team is able to keep your SEO campaign fine-tuned to your audience and on top of all the latest algorithmic changes from Google. Stop worrying about your placement and get to the top spot organically today.


Your Trusted Search Engine Optimization Partner

Simplifying Organic Search Success.

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. It may sound difficult and confusing if you haven’t actively worked to improve search results in Google or other search engines. We get it. The terminology is unnecessarily complex. We’re here to help you understand how search engine optimization works and get you to a place where you are generating a high volume of valuable website visitors who need your specific product or service.

Our SEO services specialize in the following categories: local SEO, content SEO, technical SEO, and link building. 

Custom SEO Packages.

Our custom strategy allows our services to be extremely flexible and support a large spectrum of your Digital Marketing needs. Depending on the industry and your target areas our packages and strategies are designed to help your business GROW. Each SEO package is 100% customized to the needs of each client.


Average Increase in phone calls


average increase in Google Reviews


Average increase in keywords ranking in the top 3 spots


Average increase in clicks to website

Our SEO Services Strategy

Boost Your Online Visibility with Our SEO Services.

1111 Media Group offers comprehensive SEO services to help businesses improve their search engine rankings, increase website traffic, and drive sales. Here are some of the key features of our SEO services:

Website Audit
A website audit is an effective way to evaluate the health of your website from an organic search standpoint. We take a custom and in-depth approach to our SEO evaluations by performing a deep technical website analysis. This includes off-site and on-site issues that may compromise your search engine performance, compiled in a user-friendly report. Some areas reviewed include organic website traffic, keyword rankings, titles and meta tags, URL structure, XML sitemaps, and more.
Thorough Keyword Research
Keyword research is a vital first step in any SEO campaign. We use various advanced keyword research strategies, tools, and software to help you map out the best keywords for your business, helping you to understand which terms and phrases your target audience is searching for online. This helps to lay a solid foundation for your upcoming process of optimization. Our SEO strategists spend ample time consulting with your team to understand the way you do business and identify target industry keywords to rank higher on search.
On-Page Optimization
Whether it is a brand new website or a well-established brand undergoing a redesign, SEO is a key component during any web development project. Our SEO strategy services will ensure new or redesigned websites are positioned for success. During our initial audit, we analyze everything that affects your ability to rank on Google, and you'll receive a full report listing every improvement we need to make, which then becomes our task list. We will optimize your website's content, structure, and meta-data to ensure that it is properly indexed by search engines and appears high in search results.
Link Building
One of the most essential elements of search engine optimization is link building. Good quality backlinks gives your website more credit and pushes your site forward as more relevant than others in search page results. Our content marketing professionals will ensure your site has more opportunity for growth by helping build outside links from highly relevant publishers with websites above a 30 domain authority and low spam scores. Backlinks can consist of unpaid and paid linking strategies.
Content Creation
Your online content needs to be intentional with a specific strategy behind it. We use content marketing to help guide your potential customers through the buying funnel. Whether we’re promoting your services or offering your audience educational content, we’ll create keyword-driven high-quality content that provides value to your target audience. We’ll provide topic suggestions, professional writing services and quality output that will increase your rankings, and also help your business grow.
Local SEO
Local SEO starts with a fully optimized and managed Google Business Profile. We are well-versed in the local algorithm of Google and know how to use each aspect of your Google Business Profile to your benefit. We will collaborate with you to identify your business objectives and devise a plan for optimizing your Local SEO. We will fill out your Profile with accurate data, post new content weekly through Google Posts, emphasize your products/services, develop a review tactic, monitor competitors and send you monthly performance reports.
When a search engine finds your business in accredited online business listings, they consider it as a referral and rank your content higher than those who are not listed. Our digital marketing experts will properly set up your online directory listings and maintain them for accuracy and consistency.
Analytics and Reporting
We track the performance of your SEO campaigns, providing regular reports and insights to help you make data-driven decisions.

Want More Information About Our SEO Services for your business?.

To find out more, let’s start a conversation – you can book a call with one of our experts using our online calendar link. There’s no cost, and we can provide some free initial advice as well as discuss your options with you. So, let’s talk!

Google Ads Always Puts You On Top.

Want to increase impressions and conversions? Google Ads paired with SEO will give you just that.


Companies Trust Us To Grow Their Business.

From small businesses to international enterprises, our clients trust 1111 Media Group to help them thrive online and increase their bottom line.

Companies Trust Us To
Grow Their Business.

From small businesses to international enterprises, our clients trust 1111 Media Group to help them thrive online and increase their bottom line.

Frequent Asked Questions.

SEO is a set of processes and practices you can take to make your website more visible in search engines (such as Google). All of this was done to get more free traffic. It’s all about meeting the search needs of users by making relevant, high-quality content and giving users the best experience possible.

By implementing SEO on your website, you are enabling search engines to crawl effectively, index, and rank your website, so it appears among the top search results for specific search queries. This will in turn, bring more traffic to your business, which leads to more leads, sales and, conversions.

Our SEO services cover technical, On-Page, Off-Page, Mobile, and Local aspects. Below are some of the many vital tasks at our SEO Strategy’s core.

  • Website Audit and SEO Assessment
  • SEO Competitor Analysis
  • Extensive Keyword Research
  • On-Page Optimization (i.e., Title and Meta Description Optimization)
  • Link-Building Services
  • Business Profile Listing (i.e., Google My Business)

In short, we use various SEO strategies to help your website rank well on search engines.

This is something we will NEVER do at 1111 Media Group. Why? The ever-changing algorithm of search engines means that no one can guarantee that you will reach the first page or that you will remain there.

What we CAN do is to continuously work on optimising your page.  SEO requires time, research and effort to get to the first page and maintenance to stay there.

Well, frankly speaking, they are both important. People often equate good content to be for users and SEO content for computers. However, having good content without SEO is like having the best cake no one has ever tried. People do not know it’s great if they can’t find it.

Organic results appeared free in search engines based on an algorithm that SEO services target. SEO emphasizes obtaining high-quality organic traffic via a well-planned content/SEO strategy.

Paid results are search results that appear at the top or at the side of a page that appears in Google ads. The focus of paid marketing is spending a set amount of money on advertising your website. Your PPC campaign will undoubtedly yield faster results compared to SEO.

While both are essential components of any marketing strategy, search engine optimization yields a higher return on investment over time than paid marketing.

If you get a call suggesting that you need to do something right away to save/protect/whatever your business on Google, you are getting a call from a scammer. Google does not call businesses like that. In fact, it is likely that you will never get a call from Google at all, and you will never receive robocalls, For more information about these scams, please see what Google has to say about these tactics and what you can do about it.

White hat SEO use good practices to provide users with quality content. Some examples of good practices are

  •  Displaying the content focused on a particular topic with related keywords.
  • Sentences that make sense with reasonable keyword density and use related words semantically.
  • content that expects the visitor to read by contrasting the text with the background and making the links visible.
  • original content, cite sources and quote in small chunks.

Black hat SEO refers to techniques used to trick search engines on web page relevancy that is often inconsistent with the search engine’s guidelines. This entails

  • Using irrelevant keywords to the copy for extra page hits.
  • Tricking visitors by presenting one set of content for search engines and site visitors with another.
  • Photocopying a large amount of content from another website with or without permission.
  • Confusing text with keyword phrases only aimed to get the visitors to click on ads.
  • Misleading visitors by registering a domain name that is a misspelt version of a famous website.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and Website Design are 2 completely different things, though they are closely related. Website design involves developing a website, which includes designing the buttons, images, and overall layout. This is done when the website is new, but often times there are maintenance updates, as well as content updates.

Website maintenance updates, such as the latest security updates from WordPress or WooCommerce, involve updating the software to ensure that the website is secure and likely to protect your website from being hacked. Content updates involve your content being updated as needed, such as adding an event or the latest news to the website, adding a new employee, adjusting the hours, etc. SEO maintenance involves some of the above, but there is more to optimizing a website for search engines than just the initial design and content updates. For example, as an SEO agency that deals with dozens of customers every year, there are many tasks that are ongoing. There are many back-end tasks, some simple, some more complex, that help ensure you are not only up to date but also that your content doesn’t affect your rankings. Everything from missing content (a deleted page) to a slow server can impact your rankings, thus hurting your search engine optimization efforts. Search Engine Optimization involves a process of doing all the right things to achieve the right results. There is no single thing to master SEO. Ultimately, it involves learning a process, a process that everyone does differently, with some more successful than others. Our process has been proven repeatedly, which is why we have such a high customer retention rate.

It depends on how hard the search terms and keywords are to find. Most of the time, it takes between three and six months for search engine rankings to change. Some clients may have to wait up to a year. If many websites try to rank for the exact keywords, and the competitors are well-established brands, it may take longer to get to the top of Google’s search results. Feel free to contact our SEO Experts to learn more.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a marketing term which involves optimizing your website for search engines to increase your place online. This helps users find your website when doing searches online, is cost effective, and offers the opportunity to turn leads leads into customers by utilizing commonly used terms or specific terms or terminology that can guide potential clients to your website.

Finding a reputable SEO company can be difficult. Most web design companies and businesses are small; run by graphic designers, who know how to draw and design using popular content management systems such as WordPress, but don’t actually know anything about search engine optimization. The problem is, everyone wants to do SEO now, so many companies are adding it to their list of services even if they don’t have the time, nor experience, to do it effectively. Most web design companies offer SEO because they want the regular income that it brings, not because they are actually experts in performing search engine optimization, or have an understanding of how to market a business. This leads to much confusion about how SEO is done. In many cases, our new clients had received little to no work towards their project from previous companies working with them; which is why they end up doing business with us in the first place. We have been in business for over 15 years, so we only use marketing strategies that work.